latest 7 messages by FutureTense

+ [2014-11-25T17:54:32Z] FutureTense How can I remove a commit on the github website? Im the only one using this repo, so im not concerned about the commit being "out there"
+ [2014-11-18T20:30:19Z] FutureTense What are some of the more popular IDE editors for working with Jekyll sites? html, markdown etc
+ [2014-11-18T03:45:05Z] FutureTense
+ [2014-11-18T03:44:59Z] FutureTense I'm trying to run the the site on my local machine (windows) and am geting an error when starting
+ [2014-11-17T04:08:35Z] FutureTense I'm trying to figure out how they did things like create top and side menus
+ [2014-11-17T04:08:23Z] FutureTense is the actual site available for cloining?