latest 16 messages by Goldberg

+ [2015-09-27T23:26:12Z] Goldberg that's good to know. I am still new to it. so working on it. thanks a bunch. I should sleep now before I screw up anything else....
+ [2015-09-27T23:24:42Z] Goldberg that scared the shit out of me...
+ [2015-09-27T23:24:28Z] Goldberg milki: ahhh by the glory of gods thank you!! I can see the folder now in the light of the screen!
+ [2015-09-27T23:20:48Z] Goldberg I did read it
+ [2015-09-27T23:20:46Z] Goldberg Obviously replace "SHA" with the reference you want to revert.
+ [2015-09-27T23:19:05Z] Goldberg is SHA this kind of f154df5 number?
+ [2015-09-27T23:14:40Z] Goldberg But the fixup page doesn't show how to I am confused
+ [2015-09-27T23:10:33Z] Goldberg I then AFTER realised it also deleted the local directory on my computer and not only the one on github
+ [2015-09-27T23:10:10Z] Goldberg I have commited and I have pushed
+ [2015-09-27T23:05:49Z] Goldberg I don't wanna screw up more than I have done, I am already scared enough as is.
+ [2015-09-27T23:05:32Z] Goldberg should I write it as is?
+ [2015-09-27T23:05:27Z] Goldberg does this work?
+ [2015-09-27T23:05:25Z] Goldberg git revert <SHA>
+ [2015-09-27T22:59:31Z] Goldberg please tell me there's a way to revert that....
+ [2015-09-27T22:59:19Z] Goldberg how can I revert it?
+ [2015-09-27T22:59:16Z] Goldberg I am in very very deep sh*t .... I used git rm -r DIRECTORY and now the my thesis is gone!