latest 20 messages by GreatPotato

+ [2013-08-27T16:24:14Z] GreatPotato Yeh something like this basically:
+ [2013-08-27T16:22:58Z] GreatPotato So need a way to link to my anchors
+ [2013-08-27T16:22:49Z] GreatPotato Basically trying to create a contents section
+ [2013-08-27T16:22:04Z] GreatPotato When looping through my post list, is there a way to get the post name in a same "id/class friendly" format?
+ [2013-08-27T16:21:36Z] GreatPotato I see that headings automatically get a nice ID for anchoring...
+ [2013-08-15T13:56:47Z] GreatPotato Looking good already:
+ [2013-08-15T13:53:58Z] GreatPotato Got to say, first time using jekyll - loving it
+ [2013-08-15T13:52:47Z] GreatPotato Another question, how can i get the post list reversed? Oldest posts at the top?
+ [2013-08-15T13:46:02Z] GreatPotato A little bit more manual though, but probably works better
+ [2013-08-15T13:45:46Z] GreatPotato Thats not a bad idea actually
+ [2013-08-15T13:29:06Z] GreatPotato Will check it out, cheers for the help
+ [2013-08-15T13:26:28Z] GreatPotato But yes, i can use the date like you said
+ [2013-08-15T13:26:16Z] GreatPotato Would be good if you could do posts such as "#001 - Getting"
+ [2013-08-15T13:24:29Z] GreatPotato But then there is an issue with the ordering I guess
+ [2013-08-15T13:24:14Z] GreatPotato Worst comes to worst i can just add all the content to the index, but makes sense to split it up
+ [2013-08-15T13:23:44Z] GreatPotato Cant see anything in the docs