latest 14 messages by GreenhornKev

+ [2017-01-26T00:17:20Z] GreenhornKev My goal making a theme, having bootstrap/fa and overriding a few defaults in the project sass. Also being able to maintain those and other packages with a manager along side
+ [2017-01-26T00:11:57Z] GreenhornKev Coming from a simple word**** and octobercms job, looking to learn some proper tools
+ [2017-01-26T00:10:12Z] GreenhornKev My first day looking into a build envoirnment of any sorts :)
+ [2017-01-26T00:07:56Z] GreenhornKev Bit tough finding out what tools are used where, and comparing those.
+ [2017-01-26T00:04:12Z] GreenhornKev VS is ready right out of the box, think Jekyll is missing a few of those tools. Still i'm new and exploring. I'll keep exploring Jekyll first.
+ [2017-01-25T23:39:50Z] GreenhornKev I guess Jekyll is a bit to skinny for me, i can't ask for alternatives here, but i don't know where else to start.
+ [2017-01-25T23:31:46Z] GreenhornKev All the tools included can generate static html, it's just a bit bloated.
+ [2017-01-25T23:30:26Z] GreenhornKev
+ [2017-01-25T23:15:22Z] GreenhornKev All i'm looking for is a static html/sass generator that supports a package mananger so i can update packages easily. Visual studio might be a better choice the more i look into Jekyll.
+ [2017-01-25T23:09:18Z] GreenhornKev It's a bit tough finding the right tool. Wondering if Jekyll is the tool i need. It certainly is a step in the right direction.
+ [2017-01-25T23:03:02Z] GreenhornKev Would it be a good idea to learn using the bootstrap and fontawesome source with jekyll, or would that be too much work ?
+ [2017-01-25T22:40:38Z] GreenhornKev On apache i run mod pagespeed, but i would like to dig a bit deeper into static html generation
+ [2017-01-25T22:38:59Z] GreenhornKev I've been reading a bit about @import and include, not quite sure what i would need to do if i wan't, for example, bootstrap and fontawesome in 1 css file
+ [2017-01-25T22:35:27Z] GreenhornKev Hey folks, just started learning jekyll, sass and ruby in general. So far i'm quite impressed. First thing i've bumped in to is asset pipeline, what do i need to concat all my sass/css?