latest 20 messages by Guest_84747

+ [2016-07-23T10:31:01Z] Guest_84747 other person is working very much but is earning very less
+ [2016-07-23T10:30:24Z] Guest_84747 one person is working very much but is earning very less
+ [2016-07-23T10:30:01Z] Guest_84747 sustenance does not depend on effort
+ [2016-07-23T10:29:48Z] Guest_84747 many people have degrees but do not have jobs
+ [2016-07-23T10:29:19Z] Guest_84747 degree has no power to give job
+ [2016-07-23T10:29:09Z] Guest_84747 two people take same medicine one passes away and one does not
+ [2016-07-23T10:28:44Z] Guest_84747 medicine has no power to cure
+ [2016-07-23T10:28:35Z] Guest_84747 we can not count the particles of sand
+ [2016-07-23T10:27:50Z] Guest_84747 we can not count the rain drops
+ [2016-07-23T10:27:20Z] Guest_84747 we can not count the hair on our head
+ [2016-07-23T10:27:03Z] Guest_84747 all humans get together can not move sun one second up or down
+ [2016-07-23T10:26:32Z] Guest_84747 all humans get together can not make anybody hungry
+ [2016-07-23T10:26:00Z] Guest_84747 all humans get together can not stop rain
+ [2016-07-23T10:25:32Z] Guest_84747 all creation get together can not create one grain of rice
+ [2016-07-23T10:25:04Z] Guest_84747 rice is not doing Allah is doing
+ [2016-07-23T10:24:56Z] Guest_84747 atom bomb is not doing Allah is doing
+ [2016-07-23T10:24:41Z] Guest_84747 you are not doing Allah is doing
+ [2016-07-23T10:24:29Z] Guest_84747 i am not doing Allah is doing
+ [2016-07-23T10:24:20Z] Guest_84747 when Allah wants us to sit we sit
+ [2016-07-23T10:23:38Z] Guest_84747 when Allah wants us to stand we stand