latest 14 messages by Gustavo6046

+ [2015-07-27T17:28:36Z] Gustavo6046 I need to be more social!
+ [2015-07-27T17:28:13Z] Gustavo6046 Forget, I already unwatched the repo.
+ [2015-07-27T17:27:29Z] Gustavo6046 I tried to help an repository called CKAN, but they did said I was doing ridiculous, claimed I am mysogenist and closed further pull requests and isusues by me. I spent three days in a miniapp LPIP I developed only for them!
+ [2015-07-27T17:25:30Z] Gustavo6046 A game? Maybe. A Unreal Engine implementation on web? Who knows?
+ [2015-07-27T17:25:09Z] Gustavo6046 What I want is a idea in which project I wish to do.
+ [2015-07-27T17:03:07Z] Gustavo6046 Also why can't I just upload files to the repository in the Web? I use desktop GitHub to sync folders, but maybe that is just too much.
+ [2015-07-27T17:02:03Z] Gustavo6046 But when I don't...
+ [2015-07-27T16:57:26Z] Gustavo6046 What I meant is an project idea...
+ [2015-07-27T16:53:35Z] Gustavo6046 Either, what can I do on GHub and with who?
+ [2015-07-27T16:47:02Z] Gustavo6046 Hello, I need some friends help me with a project I have had. More precisely, an idea in what to do.
+ [2015-07-27T16:30:46Z] Gustavo6046 Hello, I need some friends help me with a project I have had. More precisely, an idea in what to do.
+ [2015-07-27T16:29:35Z] Gustavo6046 Hello, I need some friends help me with a project I have had. More precisely, an idea in what to do.