latest 7 messages by HashNuke

+ [2015-07-25T07:31:18Z] HashNuke Did custom domains for github stop being a paid feature?
+ [2015-07-25T07:31:01Z] HashNuke hello all ~!
+ [2013-09-30T02:58:27Z] HashNuke Shouldn't watch be a default option. I don't think anyone uses "jekyll serve" in production
+ [2013-09-30T02:57:43Z] HashNuke bret: Thanks ~!
+ [2013-09-30T02:55:19Z] HashNuke Hasnt been happening since I switched the 2.x version of jekyll.
+ [2013-09-30T02:55:03Z] HashNuke "jekyll serve" command doesn't automatically compile files that are changed?
+ [2013-09-30T02:54:45Z] HashNuke hey people ~!