latest 20 messages by HewloThere

+ [2019-05-02T11:26:26Z] HewloThere nevermind, figured it out :)
+ [2019-05-02T11:18:59Z] HewloThere is it simply the first 7 characters and that's it?
+ [2019-05-02T11:18:19Z] HewloThere hey, i was wondering how i can get the "abbreviated" commit id from the full commit id? i.d. 360ba7a is the shorthand one and the 360ba7a4570a5ac6eb4cbadf0a8c38cf52e70c94 is the long.
+ [2014-10-31T14:51:49Z] HewloThere I mean, like can you do it directly on GitHub, through an application, through an IDE like, what?
+ [2014-10-31T14:50:31Z] HewloThere Edit code and stuff in it.
+ [2014-10-31T14:47:38Z] HewloThere luto, what is the best way to edit a GitHub repository?
+ [2014-10-31T14:44:55Z] HewloThere Hey guys! How do I delete a repository?
+ [2014-10-31T14:02:14Z] HewloThere I think it would be fun to be an all round web developer and designer, Linux administrator, networking person, programming as well as graphic design.
+ [2014-10-31T14:00:17Z] HewloThere I could potentially be an IT guy somewhere. xD
+ [2014-10-31T13:59:23Z] HewloThere I'd like to also do graphic design and Linux stuffs.
+ [2014-10-31T13:58:38Z] HewloThere Yea. I want to get a good understanding of things like PHP, Ruby, JavaScript, Python, all that fun stuff and when I do, I can be a good web developer and get better in college and do really good.
+ [2014-10-31T13:57:50Z] HewloThere I'm applying for the GitHub free student pack. Hopefully I get it. =P
+ [2014-10-31T13:56:50Z] HewloThere I'm only 14. I can't afford it yet.
+ [2014-10-31T13:56:37Z] HewloThere 'm studying web dev.