latest 8 messages by Hilton

+ [2015-09-12T04:14:41Z] Hilton Not totally sure how it would work for a private repository.
+ [2015-09-12T04:14:29Z] Hilton ANYONE, however, can fork your public repository and send you a pull request with their changes.
+ [2015-09-12T04:14:06Z] Hilton Wetmelon: As I understand it, that's how it works. It says right on the Github page for Collaborators that it gives push access to the repository. That setting is for co-developers that you trust.
+ [2015-09-12T01:35:44Z] Hilton Which is pretty much true.
+ [2015-09-12T01:34:21Z] Hilton - those funky shaped arrows at the start (and the end) suggest that I really don't know what the hell I'm doing.
+ [2015-09-07T04:37:50Z] Hilton Github developers are everywhere. Simply stick your head out the nearest window and shout.
+ [2015-09-05T10:33:31Z] Hilton I assume I shouldn't just hijack the Author fields.
+ [2015-09-05T10:33:09Z] Hilton Was looking for a jQuery control, couldn't find one, so I forked one off Github, made considerable changes (total CSS conversion, code cleanup, a few added features, etc.), and want to put it back up on Github... in this situation where I've extended (not just patched) someone else's code, what is the correct way to identify that in the README, bower.json and composer.json?