latest 5 messages by HoloIRCUser

+ [2019-03-10T16:21:34Z] HoloIRCUser So it's it just that person's code
+ [2019-03-10T16:21:01Z] HoloIRCUser Nedbat: what I mean by private is that the build would consist of code of the pull request
+ [2019-03-10T13:33:53Z] HoloIRCUser To make sure unit tests are not broken before they are able to merge into the main repo
+ [2019-03-10T13:33:16Z] HoloIRCUser Would like to have a workflow where members of the team code get reviewed before being able to merge but also their code build with automated testing
+ [2019-03-10T13:31:44Z] HoloIRCUser Is it possible to trigger private Jenkins builds from github before allowing pull request merging