latest 15 messages by Ice_Strike

+ [2016-09-13T12:46:36Z] Ice_Strike and mini-repo pull latest code from main repo
+ [2016-09-13T12:45:59Z] Ice_Strike Seveas If I create a seperate repo for other developer. How can I pull code from repo to main repo?
+ [2016-09-13T12:41:42Z] Ice_Strike There has to be a way.
+ [2016-09-13T12:41:37Z] Ice_Strike Seveas So what is alternative way?
+ [2016-09-13T12:31:01Z] Ice_Strike So, file/dir restiction in a repo is not possible?
+ [2016-09-13T12:25:04Z] Ice_Strike raphink yea that just read and write. I wants to restrict some dirs in a repo
+ [2016-09-13T11:33:31Z] Ice_Strike raphink where is access settings?
+ [2016-09-13T11:23:06Z] Ice_Strike Is it possible to restrict some files/dir access to developers on github on private repo?
+ [2016-09-13T09:53:44Z] Ice_Strike so developers don't have everything in private repo
+ [2016-09-13T09:53:30Z] Ice_Strike I mean some folders I like to restict
+ [2016-09-13T09:53:21Z] Ice_Strike tobiasvl No not repo private
+ [2016-09-13T09:15:57Z] Ice_Strike Is it possible to restrict files access to developers on github?