latest 5 messages by InAnimaTe

+ [2016-03-11T02:46:40Z] InAnimaTe github tells me the deploy key already exists if i try to add it but the machine that uses that key can't clone from that repo (i.e. <user>/<forked_repo>
+ [2016-03-11T02:46:04Z] InAnimaTe so, anyone use deploy keys for private repos? I can't seem to use one for a forked private repo from someone in the organization.
+ [2016-03-11T00:51:00Z] InAnimaTe ok so scratch that other question. misconfiguration on my end.
+ [2016-03-10T23:07:58Z] InAnimaTe I can't get the <token> method working
+ [2016-03-10T23:07:31Z] InAnimaTe hey all, was wondering if the content on this page was still factual: