latest 16 messages by InfamousJoeG

+ [2019-10-21T20:56:05Z] InfamousJoeG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 8080: Connection refused
+ [2019-10-21T20:56:03Z] InfamousJoeG Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
+ [2019-10-21T20:56:03Z] InfamousJoeG % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
+ [2019-10-21T20:56:03Z] InfamousJoeG Run curl -k $(docker inspect conjur_server | jq -r '.[].NetworkSettings.Networks[].IPAddress'):8080
+ [2019-10-21T20:55:46Z] InfamousJoeG yeah, that's the example I gave
+ [2019-10-21T20:47:43Z] InfamousJoeG thanks for the suggestion!
+ [2019-10-21T20:45:44Z] InfamousJoeG it'll rank them by most active to least
+ [2019-10-21T20:45:35Z] InfamousJoeG nezZario:
+ [2019-10-21T20:39:01Z] InfamousJoeG If there's a better channel/forum/group to ask this in, open to suggestions. There's not enough information out there currently.
+ [2019-10-21T20:36:50Z] InfamousJoeG I cannot use `services:` or `container:` in the workflow... I need to supply a `command: server` to the Conjur container and that is not supported in Workflow syntax.
+ [2019-10-21T20:36:06Z] InfamousJoeG An example test failure:
+ [2019-10-21T20:35:43Z] InfamousJoeG Workflow YAML:
+ [2019-10-21T20:34:56Z] InfamousJoeG In a GitHub Action Workflow, I'm using docker-compose to create containers, one of which has port 80 internally redirected to 8080 externally, and then attempting to `curl -k http://localhost:8080` to get a valid response. That plus,, and the IP address assigned by Docker to the container all fail. This works in AWS EC2 and Vagrant same OS.
+ [2019-10-21T18:53:17Z] InfamousJoeG Is there a specific channel for GitHub Actions or is this a good place to ask questions regarding them?