latest 20 messages by Insti

+ [2017-05-18T18:25:32Z] Insti Is there a way to only submit PR1--PR2 and have github report a merge conflict until PR1 is merged?
+ [2017-05-18T18:24:49Z] Insti but PR2 ends up containing all of PR1 :/
+ [2017-05-18T18:24:12Z] Insti master---PR1---PR2
+ [2017-05-18T18:23:46Z] Insti What is the best practice when you want to make a new pull request that builds on a pull request that is not yet merged?
+ [2017-05-15T17:33:17Z] Insti do you care about the history of
+ [2017-05-09T14:49:33Z] Insti github is working again in firefox-esr 45+
+ [2017-05-09T12:38:11Z] Insti The fact you are asking the question means you don't know the answer, the most common[citation needed] metric for code coverage is line coverage, therefore the most relevant thing to display is line coverage.
+ [2017-05-09T12:16:40Z] Insti people will expect to see (4) lines
+ [2017-05-09T09:59:07Z] Insti firefox-esr 52 seems faster too.
+ [2017-05-09T09:23:20Z] Insti firefox-esr 52.1.0
+ [2017-05-09T09:20:25Z] Insti Updating to ESR52 is a workaround:
+ [2017-05-09T08:24:13Z] Insti one doesn't notice how much one depends on github until it stops working.
+ [2017-05-09T08:02:18Z] Insti 5 or 6 people have asked about it on here and there have been about the same number of tweets.
+ [2017-05-09T08:00:32Z] Insti that they havn't already rolled back the change that broke it says something.
+ [2017-05-09T07:59:47Z] Insti I think everyone uses safari these days.
+ [2017-05-09T07:52:07Z] Insti Contact them and let them know there are more firefox-esr users out there:
+ [2017-05-09T07:51:35Z] Insti gtristan, known problem with Firefox-ESR
+ [2017-05-09T06:00:12Z] Insti it might be ok in the most recent main version
+ [2017-05-09T05:59:51Z] Insti I've not personally tried a non-esr version
+ [2017-05-09T05:59:42Z] Insti someone said it happens in 47.0 too