latest 13 messages by Inv1s1ble

+ [2015-05-13T02:03:24Z] Inv1s1ble eh nevermind...can just switch to double quotes around the outside of the tag
+ [2015-05-13T01:57:30Z] Inv1s1ble but that doesn't seem to work ...
+ [2015-05-13T01:57:19Z] Inv1s1ble title: '{{ photo.title | replace:'\'','\\\'' }},
+ [2015-05-13T01:57:18Z] Inv1s1ble Something like this:
+ [2015-05-13T01:57:04Z] Inv1s1ble I'm trying to replace quotes in strings in liquid tempates so I can use those strings in Javascript arrays
+ [2015-05-11T09:40:42Z] Inv1s1ble If anyone wants to answer it for some rep
+ [2015-05-11T09:40:35Z] Inv1s1ble Here's a more detailed SO post:
+ [2015-05-11T09:27:14Z] Inv1s1ble I'm looking for the docs and I don't see how to generate listings per date. Like I want to have list all the posts that were posted on that day
+ [2015-04-09T09:06:03Z] Inv1s1ble It's got the right name for the origination and it has a gh-pages branch
+ [2015-04-09T09:05:20Z] Inv1s1ble but when I go to, I get a 404 :(
+ [2015-04-09T09:04:41Z] Inv1s1ble So I have this repo:
+ [2015-04-09T06:43:47Z] Inv1s1ble Seveas, hmm... I wonder if I can get to build it and re-commit the results to the correct branch
+ [2015-04-09T06:06:04Z] Inv1s1ble I have a project I want to use with github pages, but it doesn't use a standard build process. There's a script in the project that builds the html pages. Is there a way to avoid checking in those generated pages into git?