latest 20 messages by Ivo

+ [2015-09-19T10:48:55Z] Ivo `hub checkout` also gives me "bad credentials"
+ [2015-09-19T10:48:30Z] Ivo bah
+ [2015-09-19T10:48:25Z] Ivo `hub checkout hub checkout
+ [2015-09-19T10:47:19Z] Ivo this because i dont have plain password login setup (using ssh)?
+ [2015-09-19T10:46:53Z] Ivo bad credentials
+ [2015-09-19T10:45:26Z] Ivo I'm a maintainer for the project the repo is on
+ [2015-09-19T10:45:10Z] Ivo Hi, I'm trying to use hub, I am using "hub am -3 https://url" and its giving me not authorized error... am I not allowed to get commits from others pull requests?
+ [2013-12-12T05:35:21Z] Ivo rotham: this thing
+ [2013-12-12T05:33:52Z] Ivo or even just pure liquid templating
+ [2013-12-12T05:33:41Z] Ivo rotham: use jekyll's new _data.yml with some liquid templating
+ [2013-11-13T23:46:57Z] Ivo eightfold:
+ [2013-11-13T23:45:39Z] Ivo eightfold: it means "does this value exist, and if so, is it truthy"
+ [2013-10-29T09:50:40Z] Ivo see my rake results
+ [2013-10-29T09:50:28Z] Ivo Hi there, I'm trying to help jekyll update to maruku 0.7, I'm wondering if newlines from maruku are expected to add to the test expects, or if I should try and trim them?
+ [2013-10-01T06:56:32Z] Ivo the page was rendering, but not liquid templating T_T
+ [2013-10-01T06:52:33Z] Ivo or where the source of the error was
+ [2013-10-01T06:52:25Z] Ivo pontiki: thankyou so much, I had no idea how to debug that
+ [2013-10-01T06:51:54Z] Ivo pontiki: A WINNAR IS YOU
+ [2013-10-01T05:56:53Z] Ivo they have <img src="{{site.baseurl}}images/team/ale.jpg">
+ [2013-10-01T05:56:42Z] Ivo at the bottom ofthe page