latest 10 messages by Jonno_FTW

+ [2017-05-19T02:28:53Z] Jonno_FTW if I have my fork, how can I merge in code from the original repo?
+ [2017-01-18T01:11:20Z] Jonno_FTW even though all the files are there
+ [2017-01-18T01:09:10Z] Jonno_FTW
+ [2017-01-18T01:07:59Z] Jonno_FTW I've used the jekyll blog for my github pages, but I get a 404 on the bootstrap theme
+ [2015-09-23T05:50:32Z] Jonno_FTW is there a way to wrap long lines in the source code viewer?
+ [2015-08-19T05:45:01Z] Jonno_FTW how, how do I reset back to the last commit made?
+ [2015-01-16T02:48:47Z] Jonno_FTW on the file viewer
+ [2015-01-16T02:48:42Z] Jonno_FTW hi, is it possible to wrap long lines?