latest 8 messages by Josay

+ [2016-08-10T08:34:20Z] Josay I opened an issue about the search feature in pretty similar context a few weeks ago, I'll try to see what the answer was
+ [2016-08-10T08:33:50Z] Josay huptoka: mind sharing the URL of the repo so that we can give it a try ?
+ [2016-08-10T08:26:06Z] Josay use quotes maybe ?
+ [2016-07-11T20:58:36Z] Josay i would have prefered a proper issue tracker but i did the contact thing
+ [2016-07-11T20:57:55Z] Josay thanks
+ [2016-07-11T20:57:46Z] Josay sim642: indeed, that is what I am going for
+ [2016-07-11T20:46:10Z] Josay I guess I'll look here:
+ [2016-07-11T20:43:48Z] Josay does anyone know how to open a github issue ? (not an issue on a repo hosted by github, really a bug on the github side) ?