latest 17 messages by Jumblemuddle

+ [2014-10-06T23:07:42Z] Jumblemuddle I'm an idiot sometimes... The includes weren't actually in the git repo. They were only local. Sorry to bother.
+ [2014-10-06T23:03:03Z] Jumblemuddle Alright, I've been trying multiple themes, but all of them have issues with the `Included file '_includes/*.html' not found in *.html` error... I'm obviously doing something wrong.
+ [2014-10-06T22:36:36Z] Jumblemuddle When jekyll says ' Liquid Exception: Included file '_includes/portfolio.html' not found in index.html', what are possible causes? Other than portoflio.html not being in _includes.
+ [2014-10-06T21:51:01Z] Jumblemuddle I'm attempting to use this theme:
+ [2014-10-06T21:49:31Z] Jumblemuddle Oh, sorry. That was just my term cutting off the end. The actual file is post.html
+ [2014-10-06T21:41:11Z] Jumblemuddle if it's helpful
+ [2014-10-06T21:40:22Z] Jumblemuddle wrap.html is in _includes, anything I'm missing?
+ [2014-10-06T21:40:07Z] Jumblemuddle Liquid Exception: Included file '_includes/wrap.html' not found in _layouts/post.html
+ [2014-10-06T21:12:42Z] Jumblemuddle Thanks, I would never have found that. I assumed that if the css was served, it was used.
+ [2014-10-06T21:10:46Z] Jumblemuddle Ah, ok. I'll try that.
+ [2014-10-06T21:09:12Z] Jumblemuddle Well, seems to be served correctly. I'll look at the mime types in nginx though.
+ [2014-10-06T20:48:22Z] Jumblemuddle <- does this look normal to others?
+ [2014-10-06T20:48:01Z] Jumblemuddle I asked a question 2 days ago regarding css and jekyll, but I left before I got an answer. Anyone know why my page would display fine, when using jekyll to host it, but when using nginx to host it css doesn't work?
+ [2014-10-04T05:29:30Z] Jumblemuddle When running it with `jekyll serve` it works fine, but the exact same html is being sent...
+ [2014-10-04T05:21:09Z] Jumblemuddle It seems like the css isn't loading?
+ [2014-10-04T05:20:59Z] Jumblemuddle Does '' look like this to anyone else? (