latest 20 messages by Kaboom

+ [2015-12-03T18:10:49Z] Kaboom Would you like to explain why?
+ [2015-12-03T17:58:24Z] Kaboom Has anyone reproduced this succesfully ?
+ [2015-12-01T12:02:55Z] Kaboom Looks like I got it working, but there are some sideeffects.
+ [2015-12-01T11:46:41Z] Kaboom in spec_helper.rb file I find these lines require 'jekyll'require 'rspec'require 'nokogiri'require 'fakefs/spec_helpers'. Do I have to add these to my gemfile - gem 'nokogiri', ...?
+ [2015-12-01T11:39:12Z] Kaboom I have gem 'jekyll-nested-menu-generator' in my gemfile, ran the bundle install.
+ [2015-12-01T11:38:12Z] Kaboom I must be doing something wrong, again - Liquid Exception: Liquid syntax error: Unknown tag 'nested_menu' in _layouts/default.html.
+ [2015-12-01T11:31:33Z] Kaboom Thanks for you help. I will try to get it working now.
+ [2015-12-01T11:27:23Z] Kaboom {% nested_menu "files is the directory to look in?" %}
+ [2015-12-01T11:26:04Z] Kaboom Yes I saw that.
+ [2015-12-01T11:25:20Z] Kaboom I am new to gemfiles and advanced features of jekyll.
+ [2015-12-01T11:24:33Z] Kaboom There must be a way to define which directory to use for menu generation.
+ [2015-12-01T11:24:11Z] Kaboom I do not understand, how to get it working.
+ [2015-12-01T11:19:39Z] Kaboom Can someone help me with "jekyll-nested-menu-generator" plugin?
+ [2015-11-28T23:06:39Z] Kaboom fris Are we talking about the same thing? I have a problem getting autoprefixer to work with Jekyll.
+ [2015-11-28T22:57:44Z] Kaboom I must be missing something...
+ [2015-11-28T22:57:11Z] Kaboom fris Can you tell me steps I should take to get it working on "jekyll new *" site?
+ [2015-11-28T22:48:05Z] Kaboom It feels like I am doing something wrong.
+ [2015-11-28T21:34:34Z] Kaboom I followed instruction on the page you provided and this page Now it seems, that Jekyll is not supporting sass - Error in _assets/stylesheets/main.scss:4 Invalid CSS after "@charset "utf-8"": expected "{", was ";" .
+ [2015-11-28T20:12:14Z] Kaboom I can get gem sitemap to work, but no luck with autoprefixer.
+ [2015-11-28T19:56:42Z] Kaboom Each gem on new line, yes.