latest 20 messages by Keavon

+ [2015-08-24T22:25:18Z] Keavon My header also needs to put a class on the navigation link for the active page
+ [2015-08-24T22:24:40Z] Keavon The URL format should be /, /section1, /section2, /lorem-ipsum, /etc
+ [2015-08-24T22:23:47Z] Keavon I want to make a site with several pages, and each page has a header plus some posts that I want to come from a markdown file in a folder that cooresponds to that page. How can I do that?
+ [2015-07-16T14:50:39Z] Keavon Heh, well good luck!
+ [2015-07-16T14:43:35Z] Keavon Mentos: I see. Lucky!
+ [2015-07-16T14:27:16Z] Keavon Or is there any other way to sign up right now?
+ [2015-07-16T14:27:04Z] Keavon Mentos: Did you just get an email that you got in after you had signed up?
+ [2015-07-16T14:23:23Z] Keavon Mentos: Are you in the beta?
+ [2015-07-16T14:19:19Z] Keavon Do you know how to set up the LFS server?
+ [2015-07-16T14:18:57Z] Keavon I can type `git lfs` and it says stuff
+ [2015-07-16T14:18:50Z] Keavon it seemed to install it fine
+ [2015-07-16T14:18:28Z] Keavon Mentos: I just used the .bat file that came with it
+ [2015-07-16T13:51:26Z] Keavon Is this the right place to ask about help setting up GitHub Large File Storage?
+ [2014-10-26T04:53:44Z] Keavon I was able to fix it with capture
+ [2014-10-26T04:39:13Z] Keavon I mean site[category[0]]
+ [2014-10-26T04:38:53Z] Keavon {{ category[0] }} prints "methods-playback" (without quotes) and I have a collection with that name. I tried doing site["methods-playback"] and that works, but site[collection[0]] does not produce anything.
+ [2014-10-26T04:37:04Z] Keavon Hello
+ [2014-10-25T03:52:00Z] Keavon Can anyone answer this?
+ [2014-10-25T01:41:22Z] Keavon restarting it fixed it
+ [2014-10-25T01:41:19Z] Keavon Oh, there was an error in my build watch