latest 15 messages by Keltia

+ [2014-10-17T10:25:55Z] Keltia if anyone's interested, see (ahem), forget 1666)
+ [2014-10-17T09:37:52Z] Keltia if anyone's interested, see
+ [2014-10-17T09:37:36Z] Keltia meow
+ [2014-09-15T15:29:05Z] Keltia doismellburning:
+ [2014-09-15T00:41:49Z] Keltia I had to patch a few things in cleanpress for disqus as well
+ [2014-09-15T00:41:23Z] Keltia @imathis just told me on twitter the date system has changed
+ [2014-09-15T00:39:50Z] Keltia if I replace date_formatted with plain "date", I get it, just not formatted in any way
+ [2014-09-15T00:39:04Z] Keltia sorry if it was unclear
+ [2014-09-15T00:38:44Z] Keltia doismellburning: it does not show up in any article
+ [2014-09-15T00:04:00Z] Keltia (using the cleanpress theme)
+ [2014-09-15T00:03:48Z] Keltia any idea?
+ [2014-09-15T00:03:41Z] Keltia in _includes/post/date.html date_formatted seems to end up empty
+ [2014-09-15T00:03:05Z] Keltia hello, I have an issue with the date not showing up for every article
+ [2014-09-14T14:27:43Z] Keltia anyone alive? :)
+ [2014-09-14T14:27:16Z] Keltia hello