latest 12 messages by Krax

+ [2014-11-20T08:26:18Z] Krax Could someone troubleshoot my broken navigation? I got it to work locally and can't for the life of me figure out what is broken.
+ [2014-02-09T09:28:36Z] Krax Okay. I didn't go looking, if the guide gave clear instructions and I didn't run into problems.
+ [2014-02-09T09:27:12Z] Krax I don't remember seeing anything like that in the guide.
+ [2014-02-09T08:52:46Z] Krax I also had a lot of problems with rake, and I didn't use heroku. Some of the errors look familiar.
+ [2014-02-08T10:48:57Z] Krax I'll query you.
+ [2014-02-08T10:48:36Z] Krax I did. Can I show you the site and the configs?
+ [2014-02-08T10:45:54Z] Krax Yes. I followed the instructions about doing that, but I'm not sure if I did it right.
+ [2014-02-08T10:43:45Z] Krax Darryl: All the sub-paths are generated wrong so all the links lead to wrong places and resources (css) are not read.
+ [2014-02-08T10:42:50Z] Krax Hi Darryl
+ [2014-02-08T10:27:55Z] Krax Either I botched up the config or having a ~ in the site address is mixing things up.
+ [2014-02-08T10:26:27Z] Krax Anybody here and have a few minutes to help? I'm trying to deploy Octopress, but the path ends up being weird.
+ [2014-02-07T22:01:24Z] Krax Hi.