latest 15 messages by Lone-L

+ [2017-03-20T21:49:41Z] Lone-L jaybe: thanks!
+ [2017-03-20T21:49:19Z] Lone-L I already had 3.4.2 in my gem package
+ [2017-03-20T21:49:04Z] Lone-L I had to remove the jekyll package that I had installed through "sudo apt install jekyll"
+ [2017-03-20T21:48:51Z] Lone-L Ha!
+ [2017-03-20T21:46:18Z] Lone-L oh
+ [2017-03-20T21:46:07Z] Lone-L 3.0.1
+ [2017-03-20T21:45:51Z] Lone-L I ran those commands as well
+ [2017-03-20T21:45:43Z] Lone-L yes
+ [2017-03-20T21:45:33Z] Lone-L
+ [2017-03-20T21:45:25Z] Lone-L I tried troubeshooting
+ [2017-03-20T21:45:10Z] Lone-L I keep getting "could not locate Gemfile or ./bundle directory" rror
+ [2017-03-20T21:44:45Z] Lone-L and I can't get past the "bundle exec jekyll serve"
+ [2017-03-20T21:44:27Z] Lone-L I am trying the quick-start guide on jekyll
+ [2017-03-20T21:44:06Z] Lone-L hello*
+ [2017-03-20T21:44:03Z] Lone-L helloy