latest 9 messages by M-tom

+ [2017-03-16T17:28:50Z] M-tom Thanks :)
+ [2017-03-16T17:07:31Z] M-tom That's kinda what I'd guessed, but I wanted to validate with some people who had more github experience
+ [2017-03-16T16:54:45Z] M-tom Besides talking to people, of course :P
+ [2017-03-16T16:54:38Z] M-tom But unless devs are manually tagging issues as 'in progress', is there any way to know what's being done?
+ [2017-03-16T16:53:46Z] M-tom I understand PRs will appear once a branch is ready to merge, and that PR might mention some issue ids.
+ [2017-03-16T16:53:10Z] M-tom I'm mostly struggling to see how one uses github to see what work is _currently in flight_.
+ [2017-03-16T16:52:41Z] M-tom :D
+ [2017-03-16T16:49:42Z] M-tom has just moved to a github-using team as project manager
+ [2017-03-16T16:49:29Z] M-tom Howdy - is this a place I can come and chat about using github?