latest 9 messages by MadSystem

+ [2017-01-21T20:23:46Z] MadSystem what I want to do is to change the _variables.scss h0 variable. In the original theme it does not have a !default defined. Does this mean it will not get overwritten?
+ [2017-01-21T20:22:14Z] MadSystem im currently trying to customize the jekyll-swiss theme
+ [2017-01-20T16:43:00Z] MadSystem ok so there is no: use layout x from theme A and layout y from theme B
+ [2017-01-20T15:08:20Z] MadSystem but I guess thats not that easy
+ [2017-01-20T15:08:04Z] MadSystem using the layouts from two diffrent themes
+ [2017-01-20T15:06:41Z] MadSystem hmm like merge
+ [2017-01-20T13:32:40Z] MadSystem So I started using jekyll yesterday. My background is more C++ / C / ASM stuff so this new fancy shit for me... thzeee internet. What I want to build is a personal site including a page for my CV. So my question is how (if possible) can I combine in a easy way a CV layout like this: with the default theme ?