latest 20 messages by MagePsycho

+ [2016-02-18T20:05:32Z] MagePsycho Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 3 commits - I would like to know what are the changes
+ [2015-06-12T21:56:46Z] MagePsycho i have added so many git update-index --assume-unchanged <file>
+ [2015-06-12T21:56:31Z] MagePsycho how to check what are those files? i need to undo
+ [2015-06-12T21:56:20Z] MagePsycho i have added so many git update-index --assume-unchanged <file>
+ [2015-03-11T11:50:08Z] MagePsycho is there git commit -um ‘my message’ ?
+ [2015-03-11T11:49:02Z] MagePsycho with one command.. i dont want to go with individual git add <file>
+ [2015-03-11T11:48:43Z] MagePsycho tobiasvl: i don’t want to add untracked files, how to do that
+ [2015-03-11T11:46:03Z] MagePsycho will git add -A add the untracked files?
+ [2015-03-11T11:45:54Z] MagePsycho tobiasvl: note that i have untracked files also.. which is only for testing purpose..
+ [2015-03-11T11:42:18Z] MagePsycho git commit -am ‘my message’ ==> two lines? git add -A / git commit -m ‘my message’ ?
+ [2015-03-04T11:51:58Z] MagePsycho so - - should be before file
+ [2015-03-04T11:51:43Z] MagePsycho tobiasvl: thanks man that works
+ [2015-03-04T11:37:08Z] MagePsycho i am on develop branch
+ [2015-03-04T11:37:02Z] MagePsycho this is not working for me: git checkout — master <file-to-rever>
+ [2015-03-04T11:36:42Z] MagePsycho how to revert a file to that of certain branch
+ [2014-12-11T13:31:12Z] MagePsycho *~ —> what does this mean in .gitignore?
+ [2014-12-10T06:00:48Z] MagePsycho has anyone used readthedocs?
+ [2014-09-02T14:15:49Z] MagePsycho git status doesn’t shw anything for sure