latest 10 messages by Magnetz74

+ [2016-04-05T04:59:32Z] Magnetz74 VxJasonxV: It was that I never added the folder with 'git add'
+ [2016-04-05T04:59:00Z] Magnetz74 VxJasonxV: I am apparently pretty stupid, but not that stupid. Was a typo, haha
+ [2016-04-05T04:37:48Z] Magnetz74 'github push -u origin master' doesn't do shit
+ [2016-04-05T04:35:38Z] Magnetz74 I'm just gonna throw this out there... FUCK GIT'S SYNTAX
+ [2016-04-05T04:28:36Z] Magnetz74 Also, I cannot figure out how to push my changes back to my remote after cloning, reference isn't helping any
+ [2016-04-05T04:26:06Z] Magnetz74 By creating a bunch of "branches" (what the hell is a branch anyway, do they mean directories?) I mean...
+ [2016-04-05T04:25:18Z] Magnetz74 So... new github user questions here. If I git pull too often, say when adding my github repo to new computers does it risk making my repositories disorganized?
+ [2016-03-28T07:26:58Z] Magnetz74 I figured out what I was looking for was clone, just now
+ [2016-03-28T07:06:22Z] Magnetz74 Hey all, so what's the best way to download my own git repo to my desktop? Pull, clone, or fetch?