latest 20 messages by Maior

+ [2014-08-07T12:14:18Z] Maior vsilv: what's your actual problem?
+ [2014-07-31T22:16:43Z] Maior odd
+ [2014-07-31T22:16:36Z] Maior borodin: yes
+ [2014-07-22T11:23:44Z] Maior jordila1: np, hf :)
+ [2014-07-22T11:10:51Z] Maior (consider adding more "s)
+ [2014-07-22T11:10:42Z] Maior other than "stop writing invalid yaml"
+ [2014-07-22T11:10:37Z] Maior otherwise it's hard to offer useful help
+ [2014-07-22T11:10:30Z] Maior and the error
+ [2014-07-22T11:10:13Z] Maior jordila1: pastebin the diff
+ [2014-07-22T11:03:49Z] Maior jordila1: sounds like you need to stop breaking your config
+ [2014-07-22T11:01:24Z] Maior jordila1: one of them will be clean
+ [2014-07-22T11:01:18Z] Maior jordila1: that will show you available tasks
+ [2014-07-22T11:00:31Z] Maior rake -T
+ [2014-07-22T11:00:27Z] Maior that'll show up more clearly ;)
+ [2014-07-22T11:00:18Z] Maior jordila1: clean and generate?
+ [2014-07-22T11:00:04Z] Maior jordila1: any errors in the generate output?
+ [2014-07-22T10:58:57Z] Maior jordila1: heh it's the biggest "problem" with static generators - if regeneration fails and you don't notice it, things can still work rather well!
+ [2014-07-15T14:40:53Z] Maior eip`: so it should all be there and reverse-engineerable
+ [2014-07-15T14:40:35Z] Maior eip`: this looks like "some fancy JS/CSS"
+ [2014-07-15T14:40:29Z] Maior eip`: this doesn't look like "an octopress thing"