latest 5 messages by MarcWeber

+ [2016-10-15T12:27:43Z] MarcWeber The problem of opting in is how to tell people about the service. But I agree.
+ [2016-10-15T12:25:26Z] MarcWeber So you're not annoyed by getting the email, but by the lie that you are a perfect match? *lol*
+ [2016-10-15T12:16:27Z] MarcWeber I know that 'github support' is a first step to maybe identify potential candidates .. so before thinking about starting such business (eg fitnd people who have used library A/B/C) the first step is to check the market and see whether it has been done and learn from previous experiences.
+ [2016-10-15T12:07:03Z] MarcWeber Do you know any hiring companies which hire based on "work presented on github" ? Or let me ask the other way round? Would you be interested in finding people working for you based on "previous library usage" which can be identified by github?