latest 10 messages by Mitrek_

+ [2017-03-15T21:29:41Z] Mitrek_ preaction, thanks. I've managed it
+ [2017-03-15T21:15:14Z] Mitrek_ and how i switch between which branch should be online?
+ [2017-03-15T21:14:55Z] Mitrek_ didn't know that
+ [2017-03-15T21:14:19Z] Mitrek_
+ [2017-03-15T21:13:45Z] Mitrek_ Github Desktop
+ [2017-03-15T21:12:42Z] Mitrek_
+ [2017-03-15T21:12:28Z] Mitrek_ I use windows, isn't just the 'commit' enough?
+ [2017-03-15T21:11:38Z] Mitrek_ I'm having trouble with this, I tried to post a second one creating a new repository and it gives me 404 error, 'There isn't a GitHub Pages site here.'
+ [2017-03-15T21:01:09Z] Mitrek_ that if i'm not mistaken is 1GB, but beyond that no limit right?
+ [2017-03-15T21:00:19Z] Mitrek_ is there a limit of websites that I can create using repositories?