latest 8 messages by Moondhum

+ [2016-09-10T04:27:46Z] Moondhum Ok solved, didn't check google properly.
+ [2016-09-10T04:19:04Z] Moondhum I am trying to install as a sudo user, I have .gem/ruby/2.3.0/bin in my home. Do I have to run "gem install jekyll" as root?
+ [2016-09-10T04:17:51Z] Moondhum gem executables will not run.
+ [2016-09-10T04:17:35Z] Moondhum I get this "WARNING: You don't have /root/.gem/ruby/2.3.0/bin in your PATH,"
+ [2016-09-09T04:38:45Z] Moondhum found the solution
+ [2016-09-09T04:32:23Z] Moondhum anybody please
+ [2016-09-09T04:19:39Z] Moondhum Please excuse me for my nooby question.
+ [2016-09-09T04:18:35Z] Moondhum Hello, just installed jekyll and doc says I should set highlighter to Rouge. Where should I run this code?