latest 20 messages by Motoko

+ [2017-05-18T06:50:26Z] Motoko They're usually somewhat good at responding on that and they can clean up things messed up by the user internally.
+ [2017-05-18T06:48:46Z] Motoko Via ?
+ [2017-05-18T06:46:39Z] Motoko System42 I think some do, but the usual contact channels on the site might get a faster response.
+ [2016-07-05T06:53:06Z] Motoko YW.
+ [2016-07-05T06:50:28Z] Motoko Change your remotes to use the git: URL.
+ [2016-07-05T06:50:19Z] Motoko Yeah.
+ [2016-07-05T06:50:09Z] Motoko The https doesn't do keys and uses user/pass auth.
+ [2016-07-05T06:49:54Z] Motoko Are you using the git-style URL, or the https one?
+ [2016-07-05T06:49:09Z] Motoko "one time"
+ [2016-07-05T06:47:39Z] Motoko Or, if using an API client, generate an API key.
+ [2016-07-05T06:47:26Z] Motoko You can always use SSH keys.
+ [2016-07-05T06:47:17Z] Motoko Git itself can store your credentials.
+ [2016-07-05T06:34:10Z] Motoko Web interface?
+ [2016-07-02T06:24:44Z] Motoko If your repo is public, you can. Use the HTTPS URL, not the git one.
+ [2016-06-22T03:05:24Z] Motoko In a locked box.
+ [2016-06-22T03:05:17Z] Motoko It's a printout on paper.
+ [2016-06-22T03:05:00Z] Motoko You get 10 codes, all 10-characters long consisting of hexadecimal characters (0-9,a-f)
+ [2016-06-22T03:04:12Z] Motoko Anyway, I went and looked at my hardcopy codes (kept in a fireproof, water-resistant lockbox).
+ [2016-06-22T03:03:50Z] Motoko Used for things that need to access your account, like Travis, etc.
+ [2016-06-22T03:03:36Z] Motoko No, it's different.