latest 20 messages by MrSavage

+ [2014-10-22T01:20:10Z] MrSavage offby1: so do you recommend git add -u * or git add -u . ?
+ [2014-10-22T01:19:34Z] MrSavage offby1: funny you say that because I did read it multiple times today but I still don't understand what they mean in the help
+ [2014-10-22T01:17:18Z] MrSavage offby1: Or do you recommend git adding 1 by 1?
+ [2014-10-22T01:17:10Z] MrSavage offby1: I got it working. And how do you git add all the modified files?
+ [2014-10-22T01:12:19Z] MrSavage offby1: Well I'm trying to have 2 directories that are seperate from eachther that push and pull from a gitlab repo.
+ [2014-10-22T01:11:43Z] MrSavage offby1: understood
+ [2014-10-22T01:09:37Z] MrSavage offby1: for some reason it's not putting all the data in this new directory for me to play around with pushes
+ [2014-10-22T01:09:14Z] MrSavage offby1: do you know if you can have multiple folders that can fetch data from a repository, each had its own git init and git remote add origin <url>?
+ [2014-10-22T01:03:40Z] MrSavage this is probably my best bet? git update-index --assume-unchanged config.php
+ [2014-10-22T01:02:55Z] MrSavage So there's no way to ignore a file on a repository?
+ [2014-10-22T01:02:45Z] MrSavage it helps me understand git more
+ [2014-10-22T01:02:02Z] MrSavage because i like to use just "make" lol
+ [2014-10-22T01:01:34Z] MrSavage offby1: rewritten the entire thing for my testcase
+ [2014-10-22T01:00:28Z] MrSavage offby1: is there a way it can work with .gitignore?
+ [2014-10-22T00:59:44Z] MrSavage offby1: No, only when I decide that I'm done with it
+ [2014-10-22T00:59:17Z] MrSavage offby1: and I don't want to merge anything with Makefile
+ [2014-10-22T00:58:46Z] MrSavage offby1: I want to pull OTHER file THAN Makefile however
+ [2014-10-22T00:58:16Z] MrSavage for testing purposes
+ [2014-10-22T00:58:12Z] MrSavage offby1: I want to keep my changes and NEVER COMMIT THEM
+ [2014-10-22T00:57:34Z] MrSavage offby1: no that will make me lose my uncomitted Makefile.