latest 13 messages by Naan

+ [2017-05-13T17:58:15Z] Naan hi i deleted a branch on a group repo on the website and I'm struggling to recover it
+ [2016-12-03T20:24:25Z] Naan :D
+ [2016-12-03T20:24:22Z] Naan oh wait never mind I was doing the pull incorrectly
+ [2016-12-03T20:22:04Z] Naan hi struggling to figure out why I get this error "error: The branch 'add-readme' is not fully merged.". This is after merging add-readme to master on the web interface and doing git pull origin
+ [2016-12-03T17:09:53Z] Naan I'm not sure Nikitaw99. I made a repo for the first time yday. I have to rush out for an hour. To be continued!
+ [2016-12-03T17:04:29Z] Naan so for example right now if I type git branch I can see "add-readme" but if I type git branch -r I can't. I want to get rid of the local branch so I'm in sync with the remote repo
+ [2016-12-03T17:00:07Z] Naan uh i mean to say my local repo
+ [2016-12-03T16:59:51Z] Naan after merging a branch say "add-readme" into master on the website, how do I get my console to acknowledge it's been merged
+ [2016-12-03T01:04:03Z] Naan thanks nedbat
+ [2016-12-03T01:03:58Z] Naan and then forgot I had done that
+ [2016-12-03T01:03:54Z] Naan I think I merged my earlier pull request on the same branch
+ [2016-12-03T01:03:48Z] Naan ah ok I think I know what I did wrong
+ [2016-12-03T01:00:34Z] Naan if i commit to a branch should that create a pull request automatically?