latest 7 messages by Naeblis_

+ [2014-07-30T18:15:19Z] Naeblis_
+ [2014-07-30T18:15:17Z] Naeblis_ also, I thought it was?
+ [2014-07-30T18:15:07Z] Naeblis_ nvm my issue was resolved.
+ [2014-07-30T17:37:27Z] Naeblis_ How to get sass to work with Jekyll? I have the .scss file in css directory and corresponding css is not produced.
+ [2014-07-28T22:06:47Z] Naeblis_ According to this page: It should work
+ [2014-07-28T22:05:18Z] Naeblis_ Hello. I'm getting "Conversion error: There was an error converting 'css/styles.scss' with Jekyll 2.1.1. It seems that jekyll sees the sass file as a css one. Any way to fix this?