latest 11 messages by Nafai

+ [2015-07-09T14:59:04Z] Nafai I haven't had a chance to try it, I'll probably get back to it later today. I'll report back though. :)
+ [2015-07-09T14:03:37Z] Nafai Thanks!
+ [2015-07-09T14:02:51Z] Nafai I didn't think of null. I tried ""
+ [2015-07-09T14:02:35Z] Nafai I made a filter plugin to do it
+ [2015-07-09T14:02:30Z] Nafai No, and that's probably the problem.
+ [2015-07-09T11:10:29Z] Nafai But that doesn't work.
+ [2015-07-09T11:10:21Z] Nafai {% for post in visible_posts limit:20 %}
+ [2015-07-09T11:10:19Z] Nafai {% assign visible_posts = site.posts | where: "hidden",false %}
+ [2015-07-09T11:10:16Z] Nafai Like this:
+ [2015-07-09T11:08:46Z] Nafai But I'm trying to edit my post/index.html and feed.xml to filter those out.
+ [2015-07-09T11:08:25Z] Nafai I'm trying to filter out posts with 'hidden: true' in the front-matter. The Paginator already handles this. I added 'sitemap: false' to the front matter so it is ignored from the sitemap.