latest 20 messages by Nikesh

+ [2015-12-03T02:02:55Z] Nikesh ;)
+ [2015-12-03T02:02:48Z] Nikesh Never mind Ö=
+ [2015-12-03T01:56:44Z] Nikesh Does anyone know how to link to another part of a README? E.g. I have a ### Methods section that I'd like to link to from within the same .md file
+ [2014-12-08T07:30:33Z] Nikesh I have some code blocks in my markdown posts using ```code``` but the newlines aren't rendered. It is all on one line in the HTML view
+ [2014-12-05T21:15:34Z] Nikesh Mustache/Handlebars bleh.. I usually work with Node/JS but Jekyll makes me interested in Ruby
+ [2014-12-05T21:15:07Z] Nikesh I am enjoying Jekyll! Liquid is much nicer than most altnernatives, for me
+ [2014-12-05T21:10:21Z] Nikesh it works in firefox
+ [2014-12-05T21:10:18Z] Nikesh ok.. so it was chrome's fault somehow
+ [2014-12-05T21:10:10Z] Nikesh oh :)
+ [2014-12-05T21:09:17Z] Nikesh I will try firefox
+ [2014-12-05T21:09:14Z] Nikesh Hm.. still not working -cleared history and cache in chrome
+ [2014-12-05T21:05:39Z] Nikesh ok
+ [2014-12-05T21:04:26Z] Nikesh Hm.. favicon is not displaying (so far just tested with jekyll serve) though when i view source and click through the link, the favicon exists..
+ [2014-12-05T20:31:58Z] Nikesh Oh I see
+ [2014-12-05T20:31:42Z] Nikesh or rather, 05 Dec 2014 ?
+ [2014-12-05T20:31:27Z] Nikesh how to render it simply as 2014-12-05 ?
+ [2014-12-05T20:31:19Z] Nikesh {{ }} renders as 2014-12-05 00:00:00 -1000
+ [2014-12-05T18:29:20Z] Nikesh reaching/reading*
+ [2014-12-05T18:29:11Z] Nikesh Is there a full documentation of this somewhere? I have been reaching through but did not see that
+ [2014-12-05T18:28:18Z] Nikesh thank you!