latest 10 messages by Ou42

+ [2019-05-23T18:01:11Z] Ou42 any gurus present? got a minute? do I repost my Q's?
+ [2019-05-23T16:51:20Z] Ou42 is kanban the best way? or should I just update the on each step?
+ [2019-05-23T16:50:23Z] Ou42 I've been introduced to the github kanban thing and have made cards & converted them to issues and elaborated on the thread of said card/issue.
+ [2019-05-23T16:49:40Z] Ou42 how to organize the repo to show the steps as I make them? I
+ [2019-05-23T16:48:58Z] Ou42 hello. working thru a 43 step MEAN stack tutorial off YT and it was suggested I make a github repo while I work thru it...
+ [2019-05-10T23:09:18Z] Ou42 Q: can I attache a screenshot of the issue I fixed in my latest commit?
+ [2019-05-10T23:09:09Z] Ou42 all my repos are based on Unity3D projects...
+ [2019-05-10T23:08:43Z] Ou42 only know the very basics ( he say's i'm on level 1 )
+ [2019-05-10T23:08:30Z] Ou42 git(hub) noob. Got a guru walking me thru it. I have 3 private repos! in 3 days!!!
+ [2019-05-10T23:08:06Z] Ou42 hello