latest 7 messages by Ove_

+ [2015-05-01T06:03:29Z] Ove_ Still using Comic sans as font though!
+ [2015-05-01T06:03:21Z] Ove_ At first I was thinking to use a .bmp just to mess with him. Co-worker convinced me to go with pdf. :I
+ [2015-05-01T06:02:21Z] Ove_ Pimp as hell
+ [2015-05-01T06:02:17Z] Ove_ Using github issues to keep track of my tasks.
+ [2015-05-01T06:02:07Z] Ove_ is writing an activity report pdf generator to be sent automatically to the salary guy at work each month.
+ [2015-04-30T16:15:59Z] Ove_ Seveas: Just found the search api.
+ [2015-04-30T16:13:05Z] Ove_ Is it possible to filter on dates with the api?