latest 12 messages by Oveja

+ [2015-02-11T20:27:34Z] Oveja oh, ok glad you solved it!
+ [2015-02-11T20:27:25Z] Oveja have you tried {{ | date: "%Y %b, %-d" }} or something like that?
+ [2015-02-04T21:49:25Z] Oveja THANKS!!!!
+ [2015-02-04T21:49:22Z] Oveja crap, i'm retarded
+ [2015-02-04T21:46:39Z] Oveja yeah i've found some, but changing the css on _syntax-highlighting.scss does not change the appearance of code highlighting on the page
+ [2015-02-04T21:45:32Z] Oveja I mean the code highlighting block, and the little boxes that are drawn around text between single quotes
+ [2015-02-04T21:45:02Z] Oveja oh, yes
+ [2015-02-04T21:43:26Z] Oveja nope, jekyll build - jekyll serve didn't make it better
+ [2015-02-04T21:41:16Z] Oveja i'm pretty sure I have, but i'm going to do it just in case
+ [2015-02-04T21:40:17Z] Oveja I've tried making changes on _syntax-highlighting.scss but the changes to that file don't seem to update
+ [2015-02-04T21:38:48Z] Oveja here's the test post:
+ [2015-02-04T21:36:30Z] Oveja hi, i've just set up jekyll and I'm having a little trouble with syntax highlighting