latest 10 messages by PabloR

+ [2016-10-21T17:15:50Z] PabloR pinguinpfleger I don't know how to use this. Anyway, thanks
+ [2016-10-21T17:14:00Z] PabloR ok, I read earlier this ddos attack was fixed
+ [2016-10-21T17:13:38Z] PabloR thanks
+ [2016-10-21T17:13:30Z] PabloR I guess this has been asked million times today but I just signed in here. Is github down right now?
+ [2016-08-12T00:07:48Z] PabloR ok. thanks again
+ [2016-08-12T00:06:47Z] PabloR Zarthus One more. What about the node_modules one? Should they be part of the github repo? Normally should they be included on the .gitignore file?
+ [2016-08-11T23:45:35Z] PabloR got it. Thanks
+ [2016-08-11T23:44:44Z] PabloR ok. thanks
+ [2016-08-11T23:43:55Z] PabloR Zarthus Thanks. I created a small app using JS, Node, Express, HTML, SQL & SQLIte3. I see in the list only a Node.gitignore. So I just copy and paste this file in my repo? I also see a SublimeText.gitignore under gitignore/global. Should I have 2 separate files or combine into 1?
+ [2016-08-11T23:24:05Z] PabloR When starting a new repo in github it asks you if you want to add a .gitignore file. Is this file any different and in addition to the global .gitignore I create locally on my computer? Should I add it for potential users that may want to use the repo even though I have the global .gitignore because they can’t access it?