latest 6 messages by Padawan

+ [2015-05-24T22:08:49Z] Padawan in python github highlights things like [self, +, %, -, =] For coding those things dont matter, but for reading a long wall of code inside a method i find that really appealing.
+ [2015-05-24T21:38:10Z] Padawan iveqy: no, its fine really. It is just github goes beyond that.
+ [2015-05-24T21:35:45Z] Padawan iveqy: its not just the color, github identifies linguistic tokens vim doesnt
+ [2015-05-24T21:33:42Z] Padawan iveqy: Some tokens github color. For writing i prefer vim, but for reading long code github is awesome.
+ [2015-05-24T20:08:37Z] Padawan I eman, to open my .py files within vim but with the syntax highlighting github uses
+ [2015-05-24T20:08:07Z] Padawan hey guys, i was wondering if there is a way to get github's syntax highlighting into vim?