latest 20 messages by Pandemic_Force

+ [2014-08-25T23:28:13Z] Pandemic_Force However the layout post does exist in the _layouts folder
+ [2014-08-25T23:27:56Z] Pandemic_Force Hey, since updating my front matter defaults to type posts from post, I get this error, "Build Warning: Layout '“post”' requested in /path/to/post does not exist."
+ [2014-08-19T22:36:49Z] Pandemic_Force I upgraded to version 2.3.0, and since then when I attempt to build my site, it tells me "Defaults: Please update your front-matter defaults to use 'type: posts'." So, I do that, however when I change it, jekyll fails to build and it tells me "did not find expected key while parsing a block mapping
+ [2014-07-20T11:55:56Z] Pandemic_Force Bretos: Hey, it looks like you're missing an li tag
+ [2014-07-20T11:12:08Z] Pandemic_Force Pretty much make a subdirectory in the top directory of your site with the name of the category. Then, have a file setup similar to the examples.
+ [2014-07-20T11:11:27Z] Pandemic_Force Again, there is the messy way lol
+ [2014-07-20T11:07:04Z] Pandemic_Force colonolGron: There's also something like this
+ [2014-07-20T11:04:38Z] Pandemic_Force And then you would link to a page like that
+ [2014-07-20T11:02:13Z] Pandemic_Force I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for
+ [2014-07-20T11:01:29Z] Pandemic_Force I believe the same would apply to categories
+ [2014-07-20T11:01:21Z] Pandemic_Force colonolGron: Here's another example of how I have a page that only displays posts with a certain tag
+ [2014-07-20T10:56:36Z] Pandemic_Force colonolGron: Actually, here's an example of how I have it setup
+ [2014-07-20T10:52:19Z] Pandemic_Force I have my blog sorted by tags, but how I do it is I have my categories split up in their own subdirectories
+ [2014-07-20T10:45:57Z] Pandemic_Force A messy way of doing it would be separate pages for each category and then just link to those pages