latest 5 messages by Paraxial

+ [2013-12-17T00:34:04Z] Paraxial Evening all, just wondering, can I only make use of data files in templates, not in pages/posts?
+ [2013-11-15T16:04:30Z] Paraxial That's near enough exactly what I'm after, thanks again!
+ [2013-11-15T16:03:34Z] Paraxial Thanks jaybe :) I'll take a look.
+ [2013-11-15T14:51:22Z] Paraxial What I want to do, is essentially have a folder called _providers containing markdown details for each, and have them included within layouts to create pages.
+ [2013-11-15T14:50:46Z] Paraxial Can I create custom post types (doubt that's the correct term to use here) and still have jekyll compile them?