latest 10 messages by Parham

+ [2014-10-31T14:44:06Z] Parham jaybe: Can the "path" inside "scope" be a directory?
+ [2014-10-31T14:42:47Z] Parham jaybe: I have to refer to files?
+ [2014-10-31T14:42:41Z] Parham jaybe: So you mean I can't refer to directories?
+ [2014-10-31T14:40:15Z] Parham jaybe: So I thought, if it allows me to provide a path and tell it to set a particular front matter variable to a particular value, I can have a _posts folder, with all the different categories as its subdirectories, and have the posts for that category inside.
+ [2014-10-31T14:39:24Z] Parham jaybe: I saw that it is talking about being able to have default front matter variables set, from within the configuration file.
+ [2014-10-31T14:39:02Z] Parham jaybe: Well, i was looking at default configuration options documentation.
+ [2014-10-31T14:37:43Z] Parham jaybe: So for example, if someone (or I) want to look at the posts in a particular category, they wouldn't have to go and open each post one-by-one.
+ [2014-10-31T14:36:35Z] Parham jekyll: I'm trying to have different posts for each category in its own folder so that the folder structure reflects the website structure.
+ [2014-10-31T14:21:41Z] Parham
+ [2014-10-31T14:21:39Z] Parham Hi. Can anyone please help me with this problem?