latest 20 messages by Pierre-

+ [2014-07-06T14:46:05Z] Pierre- I posted this on GitHub:
+ [2014-07-06T14:31:19Z] Pierre- now I'm properly lost
+ [2014-07-06T14:31:11Z] Pierre- date: 2014-06-02 13:42:03 +0900
+ [2014-07-06T14:31:02Z] Pierre- and inside that file, the date field says:
+ [2014-07-06T14:30:52Z] Pierre- the markdown file name for this post is 2014-06-03-bought-pkw.markdown
+ [2014-07-06T14:28:56Z] Pierre- how do I fix this
+ [2014-07-06T14:28:50Z] Pierre- the day folder is wrong
+ [2014-07-06T14:28:42Z] Pierre- on my computer though, the structure is /_site/blog/2014/06/02/bought-pkw
+ [2014-07-06T14:27:22Z] Pierre- ha! found that on S3, the "bought PKW" link on the main page points to /blog/2014/06/01/bought-pkw/
+ [2014-07-06T14:22:58Z] Pierre- my question is: why are files missing from _site ?!
+ [2014-07-06T14:22:48Z] Pierre- I pressed D
+ [2014-07-06T14:22:42Z] Pierre- oops sorry for this flood
+ [2014-07-06T14:22:34Z] Pierre- blog/2014/03/14/bought-vpco/index.html is on S3 but not in your _site directory anymore. Do you want to [d]elete, [D]elete all, [k]eep, [K]eep all?
+ [2014-07-06T14:22:34Z] Pierre- blog/2014/03/14/bought-vpco/index.html is on S3 but not in your _site directory anymore. Do you want to [d]elete, [D]elete all, [k]eep, [K]eep all?
+ [2014-07-06T14:22:34Z] Pierre- blog/2014/03/14/bought-vpco/index.html is on S3 but not in your _site directory anymore. Do you want to [d]elete, [D]elete all, [k]eep, [K]eep all?
+ [2014-07-06T14:21:58Z] Pierre- example: