latest 10 messages by PresidentTrump

+ [2016-03-25T13:56:28Z] PresidentTrump a group of us started ##trumplinux and #bernielinux
+ [2016-03-25T13:56:10Z] PresidentTrump a group of us started ##trumplinux and ##bernielinux
+ [2016-03-25T13:54:43Z] PresidentTrump except the ones who don't stand a chance of winning
+ [2016-03-25T13:54:10Z] PresidentTrump osfameron, I own all the President nicks on freenode
+ [2016-03-25T13:45:22Z] PresidentTrump found my answer:
+ [2016-03-25T13:42:45Z] PresidentTrump e.g. have them compiled in automatically with jekyll
+ [2016-03-25T13:41:53Z] PresidentTrump can I add some PHP pages to a jekyll site?