latest 20 messages by PrincessZoey

+ [2015-11-29T05:19:26Z] PrincessZoey You need to do gem install bundle. Then bundle install.
+ [2015-11-29T05:17:56Z] PrincessZoey Also try 'bundle exec jekyll serve'
+ [2015-11-29T05:17:37Z] PrincessZoey Did you run bundle install ?
+ [2015-11-28T00:39:30Z] PrincessZoey some themes make it mobile ready
+ [2015-11-28T00:30:57Z] PrincessZoey write an amazing plugin, then have github add it?
+ [2015-11-26T01:17:38Z] PrincessZoey jekyll build --trace Arr0way
+ [2015-11-22T01:42:54Z] PrincessZoey then jekyll build --destination *apache web directory*
+ [2015-11-22T01:42:46Z] PrincessZoey then cd to that directory
+ [2015-11-22T01:42:42Z] PrincessZoey you need to do jekyll new *name*
+ [2015-11-20T04:30:23Z] PrincessZoey fusion809 off topic, but you should use pygments.rb or rogue to highlight your code
+ [2015-11-20T03:51:14Z] PrincessZoey you do jekyll build right?
+ [2015-11-18T18:59:09Z] PrincessZoey I use redcarpet and rogue
+ [2015-11-18T18:59:03Z] PrincessZoey I don't know about textile sorry.
+ [2015-11-18T18:56:01Z] PrincessZoey posts should be