latest 20 messages by ProjectRevoTPP

+ [2016-04-14T01:04:52Z] ProjectRevoTPP i solved the LFS url issue by hardcoding lfsurl into gitconfig .git/config but now im getting Not Founds because the server is 401ing
+ [2016-04-14T00:50:29Z] ProjectRevoTPP cygwin wont prompt me for LFS credentials
+ [2016-04-14T00:50:21Z] ProjectRevoTPP we're trying to have a custom LFS server and its 401ing
+ [2016-04-14T00:50:12Z] ProjectRevoTPP is there any reason why git won't prompt you for LFS credentials when you need to input them?
+ [2016-04-13T23:16:40Z] ProjectRevoTPP git lfs push origin master and git push origin master don't prompt me for credentials because it complains about API rate limit exceeded
+ [2016-04-13T22:58:35Z] ProjectRevoTPP API rate limit exceeded for (But here's the good news: Authenticated requests get a higher rate limit. Check out the documentation for more details.)
+ [2016-04-13T22:58:30Z] ProjectRevoTPP hey, we're having an LFS issue, we have a repo which has a custom LFS url and yet when we try to pull it, git lfs env says we have the wrong Endpoint
+ [2015-04-08T04:35:58Z] ProjectRevoTPP now do I just go into "pokered" and delete everything except .git and replace it with my source?
+ [2015-04-08T04:26:34Z] ProjectRevoTPP im just about to delete the repository refork it and reforce it because it isnt listening